Sunday, April 12, 2009

Apparently it's a big deal

by Sarah Richardson

Oh is it really that big of a deal? The US conservatives are bathing in ethnocentrism once again. Apparently it's such a big beal that President Obama "bowed" to the king of Saudi Arabia that CNN felt the need to
hold a street poll and the White House, a press conference. Seriously? We don't have more important things to worry about and better ways to spend our time than analyzing you tube videos in slow motion?

Some of the street poll respondants were indifferent, other's thought that "the flag doesn't bow and neither do we." However, there were people who commended President Obama on being educated and culturally sensitive. His "bow" has been compared to the G.W. Bush's visit with an Arabian prince in which he held his hand as a sign of respect. Why does it even matter?

America has quite a bit of learning to do.

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