Monday, May 24, 2010

More Problems in Iraq

On Monday, Bashar Mohammed Hamid, a newly elected member to Iraq's parliament was shot and killed. He was the first member of Iraq's new parliament to be a target of violence, which is adding more issues to already tense politics. People are unsure if his death had anything to do with his new place in parliament, because the area in which he was killed is very violent. Hamid's cousin saw two men meet up with six other men outside of his house, who then opened fire and shot Hamid seven times. One gunman has reportedly been arrested. Also, election officials announced (on the same day) that two other winning candidates may be disqualified from the parliament. This is making the creation of their new government more complicated then it already was. Critics of Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al- Maliki are claiming he is doing this to remain in power, but others think it is just Iraq's complex bureaucracy. Either way, it is not helping Iraq's never ending government dilemmas.

Submitted by: Kathleen Tite

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