Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Russia Reactivating Missile Defense System

Russia is planning on reactivating it's missile silos that are positioned to protect the Russian capital. Russia has plans to modernize the A-135 missile defense shield. The A-135 missile was deployed around Moscow in 1995, four years after the Soviet Union collapsed. Retired Colonel General Viktor Yesin says:

"The A-135 system is being thoroughly modernized. The missiles and other elements, including detection and tracking components, are being upgraded."

The United States and Russia have been debating over missile defense. The Kremlin says that the United States plan to deploy a missile defense shield in Eastern Europe would upset the balance of power. The United States, on the other hand, says that the system is needed to defend United States interests against rogue states.

Where is the START treaty in all of this?


Abigail Van Hook

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