Sunday, November 9, 2008

Fighting in the DR congo

Hina Latif:

I think we sometimes forget to help those in need especially when we are surrounded with the best technology, food, education, and lifestyle. I have seen the most horrific situations that one can not see if they have not left the comfort of the United States. Of course there are arguments that the United States is one of the richest nations but also has the highest child poverty rates; and the third world country characteristics can be seen throughout the country. But that can all change within a matter of couple of years if the United States government tried really hard to erase the issue of the existence of poverty in the USA.

In recent pictures a woman by the name of Wimana has lost her youngest child to malnutrition in the DR Congo, within the past 15 months she has been displaced 15 times. According to the article there are 1.6 million people who have displaced throughout the region due to constant fighting and humanitarian issues. Situations like Wimana, really grasp my attention. As humans why haven't we found the ideology of helping humanity who are in serious conditions such as this one.? Why are we so drawn to handing spare change to the homeless on street corners, and tossing a couple of bucks to the charity boxes when we feel like we should "give" during the holidays?

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