Sunday, October 30, 2011

Bosnia U.S. Embassy Attacker Says He Acted Alone-Lawyer

The gunman said he acted alone in the shooting on the US embassy in the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo. The gunman open fired with an assault rifle. He was 23 years of age, Mevlid Jasarvic was the gunman. His lawyer Senad Dupovac said he acted alone but was very concerned about the health of the 23 year old. "He is confused and I do not think he is aware of his actions and I believe that he would need psychiatric expertise" (McDonald). The police and government are looking into a suspicion of terrorism. The police believe more are involved in the attack. The police arrested 17 people in which they felt have direct relations to the the attack. One police officer was wounded, he was hit by several bullets. The police are very interested in the attack and who was involved. The police believe a much bigger group of terrorist are be hind the attack and will be going into further investigation.

By; Joe Ruffolo

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