Sunday, February 16, 2014

Chinese authorities fatally shoot eight people after "terrorist" attack

On Friday, the police in Xinjiang fatally shot down eight people who were armed with explosive devices and knives.  Officials have not identified the bombers, but labelled the attackers as "terrorists."  However, it was evident that they were Uighurs, a Turkic group who have grown resentful of "ethnic Han Chinese in the region and of state controls on their culture and Muslim religion."  The attacks occurred in Wushi County when they drove pas in a car filled with natural-gas cylinders and bore down on officers preparing to go on patrol.  Three of the suspects died by blowing themselves up, and two police officers were wounded.  For years, Xinjiang has been troubled by these ethnic divisions, and the increase in violence suggests that the conflict is worsening.  These divisions have deepened since 2009 when at least 200 people died in the regional capital when Uighur men attacked Han Chinese people in the streets.  In response, the Han Chinese attacked Uighur neighborhoods.

Amanda Ngo

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