Monday, April 23, 2018

Mirgrants of the Caravan are reaching the U.S. border

According to CNN, the Caravan's are making their way over to the Unites States border. They fleeing form Central America in search of protection and economic security. However, President Trump has been actively tweeting and expressing that he will not allow that these people will not be allowed in. The Department of Homeland Security has sent more officers and migration judges to the scene to control illegal entry. Although the hundred of Caravans that have been traveling to the border of the states are hoping to plea asylum. In other words, they need to go through a long and difficult process in order to become a legal citizen because they have proof of facing persecution. The chances of them winning this case are rare, therefore if their evidence isn't compelling they will be deported. The process of asylum is a ongoing conflict due to the long procedure and numerous fake claims. Provided this, the increase of authority sent to the scene will be necessary to control the incoming migration of the Caravans.

Kelsey Persenico

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