Thursday, May 4, 2023

Eight school staff shot dead in northern Pakistan

There was an attack by an unknown gunman at a school in Pakistan's northern province that has left eight staff dead and two others injured. The attack took place at a local high school at around noon. An investigation is currently in progress, but district police officer, Muhammad Imran, says that he suspects a sectarian angle to the attack since all those attacked were members of the Shia branch of Islam.

By: Raegan Stinger

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Australia to ban recreational vaping in major crackdown on e-cigarettes as teen use soars

 The Australian government will ban e-cigarettes to discourage vaping among teenagers. This is one of Australia's biggest smoking reforms in over a decade. According to the Australian Health Minister, Mark Butler, vaping has become one of the top behavioral problems within high schools and is currently rising at the elementary level. Non-prescription vapes will be banned from importation and will be required to have pharmaceutical packaging. The goal is to discourage younger users from wanting to purchase the product so brightly colored packaging and fun flavors will be restricted.

By: Raegan Stinger