Sunday, March 13, 2011

Court bars Costa Rica, Nicaragua from Disputed Area

A unanimous court agreement has been reached that Costa Rica and Nicaragua both must refrain from sending or maintaining civilians, security forces, or police in a disputed border area, the International Court of Justice ordered Tuesday. Since last year, the two countries have had tensions flaring over Calero Island, a piece of land on the Atlantic coast. Costa Rica filed a lawsuit in November in the court to end a situation that "threatens imminent and irreparable harm" to their country. The lawsuit also asked for the construction of a canal on Costa Rican soil to be stopped. It could potentially be several years before a final verdict is put into place, as the court's order was a provisional measure while the case if before the judges. Justices also decided that Costa Rica could send personnel to the area to protect the environment, but to do so in a case that won't make matters worse and escalate tensions further. Although the court decided on this agreement, both countries still must inform the court of their compliance with the order.

-Kristine Zizis

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