Sunday, June 2, 2013

U.N. urges end to 'comfort women' denial

The U.N. Committee against Torture has requested the Japanese government to reject attempts by Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto to deny its wartime “military sexual slavery”, which has recently been a controvertial issue inside and outside of Japan.  The Mayor has been strongly criticized for his remark that comfort women were necessary for imperial Japanese Army. 
The U.N. committee urged Japanese government to “refute attempts to deny the facts by the government authorities and public figures and to retraumatize the victims through such repeated denials”, requiring Japan "to publicly acknowledge legal responsibility for the crimes of sexual slavery, and prosecute and punish perpetrators with appropriate penalties.” Committee member Fernando Marino expressed his concern about this issue at a press conference saying that more action is needed from the Japanese government to solve the comfort women issue in both “historical and real” terms. He said this phenomenon should be mentioned in Japanese history textbook so that the further violation of this kind would be prevented.
Honami Nabeshima

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