Sunday, June 7, 2015

Stray Dogs in Egypt Find Sanctuary Abroad

A dog in Egypt which is referred to as "Chance-The Wonder Dog" has finally found a home. He was abandoned in a garbage at the age of six weeks. He was found by two girls in the street. At the time his weight was the same as a three weeks old puppy. The dog needed medical attention and would not survive in a shelter. "Aida Rashid, an avid animal rights activist, took the dog in and nursed him back to health. She fed him, sheltered him, and cared for his everyday needs. She gave him a chance". That is just a story of one dog. This year Egypt saw how bad all animals are treated and how they have and need rights just like human. This year two incidents happened both with the same story. Dogs street fights and cats street fights. And those animals actually die and feel a lot of pain while dying. "Now living on a ranch in Calorado, Canada, Chance found his forever home with his human mom, Dani Scott. He has two doggie brothers, over 20 horse friends, and likes to snuggle with his cat siblings. He is also a frequent traveler to the U.S., and is a big Seattle Seahawks fan". It is sad to see that other countries treat dogs better than their original county. This story is not the only story, there are many other stories. And those stories are not only for dogs. Egypt need a law that protects animals!!

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