Sunday, December 1, 2019

Point of No Return
George Q
U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres made a statement to the UN that included that the worlds efforts on climate change have been "Inadequate"and we are soon to reach upon "A point of no return". These statements take a look into the US domestic problems with climate change and also criticize select countries on their efforts.

This meeting of the U.N highlighted certain parts of the Paris Climate change agreement and also noted ways of compensation for poor countries who are losing land and assets due to rising sea levels.  Secretary Guterres expressed the push of support for climate change from citizens of the U.S but specifically from its young.

Delegates discussed a new market to involve carbon and emissions into trading negations and add a value to how the product is produced. This idea gained support from the popular idea of taxing the companies who produce the carbon instead of taxing the people.

Finally, U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres stated that some 70 countries many of them among the most vulnerable to climate change have pledged to stop emitting more greenhouse gases by 2050.

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