Monday, May 3, 2021

US Accuses China of Acting More Aggressively

The US secretary of state Antony Blinken accused China of being more aggressive internationally, and more suppressive domestically. This comes in a time of rising tensions between the United States and China, with the United States continuing to tiptoe around actually stating that China is an enemy of the United States. Both Blinken and President Biden have assured that military action is not in the interest of either of the countries involved, yet the United States seeks to hold China accountable for many of their actions, such as stealing intellectual property.

The relationship between the US and China is crucial for both sides and the world as a whole, and Beijing has been calling on Washington to improve the relationship that was deteriorated under Donald Trump's presidency. Accusing China of being more aggressive certainly isn't taking a step in the right direction. President Biden said in his first address to congress that "we welcome the competition" with China to be the dominant global power.

Sarah Runchey

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