Friday, September 30, 2011

'Super Clone Sniffer Dogs': Coming to an Airport Near You

Labs would appear to still reign as man's (and geneticists') best friend; good enough to be cloned seven times over, at least. South Korea this week announces the debut of their genetically honed pack of 'super sniffer' tracking dogs, all clones of an original, exceptional drug-sniffing canine by the name of Chase, at Incheon Airport. Trainer Park Ji-Yong offers a candid appreciation of his 'Chase', the most successful of the clones, who goes by the name of 'Tutu'. Despite their identical DNA models, the dogs seem to vary greatly in their temperments and ability to perform the tasks of their predecessor, raising questions about how much of skills and traits is inherent. Korean scientists remain guardedly modest about their success, but have even bigger projects in queue: dogs with heightened disease-detection abilities, and endangered wildlife projects.

For those of us who have allowed our knowledge of current events in this area to slip, a helpful timeline of cloning breakthroughs is included.

By Emily Canaday

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