Monday, November 2, 2009

Iran urged over enrichment plan

Iran has missed response deadlines and "has raised 'technical and economical considerations'" with the IAEA this week while Britian, France, and Russia pressure Iran to give a response to the draft deal proposed last month. This deal would allow Iran to keep what enriched uranium it needs for medical and technological purposes, while sending most abroad for further enrichment and research. The United States is on board as well. Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the UN nuclear watchdog, urges Iran to respond and says that the biggest issue with this deal is the lack of confidence between Iran and the West. He says this can be achieved through dialogue, but he warns Iran that the deal is a "'fleeting opportunity to reverse course from confrontation to co-operation'" and that action must be made shortly. However, he says, we must have a "'willingness to take risks for peace.'" And we can only hope for a peaceful agreement to be reached soon, while this deal is still on the table.

Hannah Zimmerman

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