Sunday, November 15, 2009

Little Gitmo on the Prairie

Guantanamo Bay detainees may be heading to Illinois. The Thompson Correctional Center has the capacity to hold the detainees and this will allow for the close of Guantanamo Bay. Republicans are opposed to having detainees "in their backyards", while democrats back Obama in getting Guantanamo closed. Governor, Pat Quinn thinks this is a good move as it will provide people with jobs and may help boost the economy. Other facilities are being looked at in Montana and Colorado as well. With this delicate issue people don't want the prisoners here yet we want Guantanamo closed, what to do? Bottom line is Guantanamo Bay needs to cease to be open, and by buying the Thompson Center or placing them in another facility I think it is taking a step in the right direction.

By: Lindsay Weidling

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