Sunday, January 31, 2010

Good Intentions means Jailtime in Haiti

A group of ten from Idaho tried to "help" 33 children--with the oldest being 12-years-old--by taking them from a local pastor and driving them across the border to the more stable Dominican Republic where they would be put in an orphanage. A few problems arose regarding this "saving" mission. The group had no proper documentation from the Haitian government despite the fact that they apparently had paperwork from the Dominican government. Another issue was the fact that there was no orphanage. The church group was going to put the children in a hotel until an orphanage had been established. Oh not to mention that the Haitian government had suspended all adoptions in order to prevent child trafficking. The group is going to go before a judge tomorrow and are currently being retained in jail.

By: Albie Braun

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