Sunday, January 10, 2010

UK Preparing to Ban Islamist Group

A controversial Islamist support group is set to be banned by the British government in the very near future. The group, known as Al-Muhajiroun, has drawn massive attention in recent days after proposing to hold a demonstration in a British town that receives British war dead returning from Afghanistan. The ban itself would prevent the group from holding any type of meetings or raising funds while making membership a criminal offense. Similar groups have already been banned in previous years, a step that the British government felt was necessary to combat domestic as well as international terrorism. The group's leader, outspoken British Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary, said that he would not stop simply because a ban is put in place and that "Muslims everywhere are obliged to work collectively to establish the Islamic State and Sharia law in the UK or wherever they are - those things can't change."

By: Nick McGuire

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