Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Obama, Sarkozy discuss Iran sanctions, global economy

With the tensions about ambiguous Iran's nuclear programs growing in recent months, the President Obama and French President Sarzoky called for toucher U.N sanctions. The two agreed that all nations must support the sanctions as Iran's possible development of nuclear weapons is threat to international security and peace. Mr. Obama said that the sanctions should be imposed as soon as possible emphasizing the importance of the issue. Mr. Sarzoky also said the France supports the war in Afghanistan as, "By fighting in Afghanistan, what we are fighting for is world security, quite simply." France is one of the permanent member of the U.N Security Council who supports sanctions along with U.K, U.S but China and Russia had been resistent. Although Iran claims that the nuclear activities in the country are for peaceful purposes, the U.S and other nations suspect Iran of nuclear weapon developments. Read more at http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/03/30/obama.sarkozy/index.html?hpt=T2

Submitted By: Namgyel Dorji

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