Friday, March 31, 2017

London attack: Direct hand by ISIS unlikely, counterterrorism expert says

This article discusses the recent attack in London.  According to a counterterrorism expert, the perpetrator was most likely not instructed by ISIS or communicating with ISIS, but rather his actions were inspired by ISIS.  There is no current evidence to suggest he is affiliated with the terrorist organization.  Regardless, ISIS likely claimed credit for the attack after being informed about it, which further proves the power-hungry characteristic of this organization.  An organization that wishes to take credit for an attack resulting in 4 deaths is an organization that seeks to spark fear in the rest of the world.  I also find it scary that ISIS is not only affecting the lives of victims and others fearing the group, but it is affecting the minds of individuals who find inspiration from them and acting upon that.  

--Ally Bockay

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