Friday, March 31, 2017

Mike Pence Breaks Senate Tie To Allow States To Defund Planned Parenthood

This article discusses allowing states to chose if they would like to defund Title X family planning money for Planned Parenthood. With their leader Mike Pence, who seems to be on a ruthless mission to take away reproductive rights from women. Planned Parenthood serves about a third of Title X patients. It provides health care and family planning services, including birth control and sexually transmitted disease screenings. Ironically the majority who made this decision were men. This is unfair to women because majority of the services are used by women and helps those who cannot afford healthcare. So far eleven states have voted to defund it because their services do include abortion, although nationwide there is a strong public support to keep planned parenthood. The GOP is moving forward with their efforts to defund them and Donald Trump is expected to sign the Title X Resolution into law.

--Jessie Birchall

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