Thursday, February 18, 2010

Closer to Energy Reform than you Think

The issues that Venezuela are having right now are a testament to what I was saying earlier in class. When it is in a state's best interest to move toward more environmentally friendly measures of production, they will. For those staunch proportants of moving forward may be closer than you think to getting what you want.

Personally I think that it would be more beneficial for those in the Green Movement to give up on the played out "the world is ending and it's YOUR fault!" argument and focus on something less sensational and more logical. Because the truth is, as bad as it may sound the "what about the children" argument can only be stretched so far; as sad as it may be to accept a lot of people don't care about that more than they care about the imidiate future. Focuse on what is going to happen in the next couple of years and build on that. The ice caps are melting...yea yea yea. ok. now what?

by Sarah Richardson

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