Sunday, March 8, 2009

Chavez Warns Columbia Defense Minister

By Jacob Simkins

President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela criticized the Defense Minister of Columbia, Juan Manuel Santos, following comments indicating that he would consider sending in Colombian forces to neighboring countries to fight left-wing rebel groups. Columbia used a similar policy last year when mounting a military excursion into Ecuador, which started a diplomatic dispute. The attack did result in the death of a leader of the military group FARC, but Ecuador and Columbia reacted by sending in troops because of the breach in sovereignty.

Chavez called Santos a threat to the peace of the region, indicating that such an attempt on Venezuelan soil would cause a military response. In the same speech over the radio, Chavez likened Santos to fascism.

President Alvaro Uribe of Columbia distanced himself from the comments by his Defense minister, calling them imprudent. Chavez was not satisfied with this response, citing that the Defense minister still holds his position.

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