Friday, November 2, 2018

As Spain's Immigration Rises, More Women Arrive With Experiences Of Sex Abuse

Immigration in Spain has become a hot topic in the past year. Undocumented immigrants, specifically from Sub- Saharan Africa, have doubled in the amount in the past year. Many of these individuals face hardships similar to immigrants in the U.S. like finding jobs, facing stigma against immigrants, and paying for their migration to their new home. The trip to Spain from Africa has continued to occur in large numbers, despite the change of weather. Out of the immigrants flooding to Spain, only 10% of them are women. They typically migrate to avoid sexism and to find better jobs and education for women. Because there is a stigma against these immigrants in Spain, many, women especially, cannot find work or pay back debt. In order to compensate for this, these women are working as sex slaves and preforming sexual favors. Many arrive to Spain already pregnant or sexually abused due to the amount of rape and sexual abuse occurring in Spain and during their trip. Many do not realize how prominent a lot of issues in other countries are and how similar they are to the experiences many individuals in America face. Overall, this article comes to show how much other countries are struggling and how developed countries are not acting to help a lot of these problems. Obviously, the individuals who have migrated to other countries to escape oppression and a lack of opportunities deserve a new home, but the issues also need to be resolved in other countries. A lot of the problem is the lack of resources developing countries have, which could possibly be solved by outside aid.
By Alyssa Farney
For more information on this issue:

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