Sunday, November 4, 2018

Venezuelan migration to Colombia may generate growth: World Bank

Every day, thousands of Venezuelans flee due to the social and economic instability in their country, but that could lead their neighbor country Colombia to an economic growth--that of course is if Colombia takes the right steps to manage the migrant crisis. According to the United Nations, more than 2 million Venezuelans have emigrated amid food and medicine shortages and profound political divisions in their country. Nonetheless, providing migrants access to healthcare, utilities, and education will cost Colombia between 0.26 percent and 0.41 percent of its gross domestic product this year, and legalizing migrants will help them find formal jobs and increase tax revenue and consumption; thus, if adequate policy decisions are taken, migration has the potential to generate growth in Colombia. The European Union, United Nations, and United States have given millions in aid money to help Colombia cope with the migrant influx since about 3,000 of Venezuelans arrive each day; thus, the government says 4 million could be living in the country by 2021, costing Colombia nearly $9 billion. 

By Isabel G. Torres

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