Monday, November 12, 2018

The worst outbreak of Ebola in Democratic Republic of Congo

More then 200 people have been killed by Ebola since August and almost 330 confirmed or probable cases have been reported.
This is the worst Ebola outbreak in the country's history. This outbreak is the second time this year and began in North Kivu province before spreading to the east of the country. It is 10th time since 1976 that Ebola has struck the country.
Two health workweek died in one attack, while last month 11 civilians and one soldier were killed.
More than 1 million refugees and internally displaced people are in North Kivu and Ituri, and their movement through and out of the provinces is a potential risk factor for the spread of Ebola.
Last month, the WHO ruled that the Ebola outbreak did not meet the criteria for the criteria for a public health emergency of international concern. The organization said 27,000 people had been vaccinated against Ebola in the country but noted that WHO workers often were resisted to vaccinate and bury the dead by some communities due to issue of trust and misinformation.

Kaho Sugimoto

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