Friday, November 2, 2018

Yemen Girl Who Turned World’s Eyes to Famine Is Dead

Amal Hussain, a malnourished 7-year old Yemenese who was the subject of a recent New York Times story has died only a week after the publication of the story. This just goes to show the severity of the humanitarian crisis in its war with Saudi Arabia, where civilians are constantly dying from not just from disease and starvation like Amal but also from targeted airstrikes and other attacks carried out by Saudi forces. Unfortunately, it has taken the disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi to bring the actions of Saudi Arabia into the American public's view, but now more than ever the US needs to reevaluate its relationship with Saudia Arabia because we are complicit in the atrocities carried out in Yemen; many of the attacks on Yemen's civilian population were committed with US arms and weapons. This flies directly in the face of what the US should at home and abroad.

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