Sunday, May 31, 2009

Al-Qaeda Distrupted...Again

The Washington Post reports that according to a military report Al-Qaeda has been disrupted in its operations in the Swat valley. Thus helping the Pakistani army in defeating the common enemy. Furthermore, U.S. Officials say that these attacks will make the terrorist group more visible as it will have to use the internet and cellphone to communicate and find out information on the situation amongst its own ranks.

Now by now we have heard that Al-Qaeda has been severely damaged for the 100th time probably, yet each time it manages to find new recruits. Maybe with these strikes in order also the U.S. should launch a massive humanitarian and educational campaign which will target young Afghans and cut down on the Al-Qaeda recruiting power.

But what is very interesting is the fact that in the era of globalization, even the terrorist use cellphones and the internet, it seems that the IT boom has not missed them either. Let's also try to maybe introduce more capitalism, and soon the emails Al-Qaeda will be sending will be about which stocks to buy, and the cellphone conversations will be about whether Gucci or Armani is better.

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