Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court
By: Abedaslam Ayesh

The Judicial Confirmation Network, a conservative advocacy group, began
airing the Internet Ad spotlighting Judge Sotomayor’s past statements
about the role of the appeals court and how gender and ethnic heritage
may play a role in judicial decision-making. In many ways, Republican
responses have been calibrated as some are fearful of further alienating
Hispanics — the nation’s fastest growing group of voters.
She has issued no major decisions on abortion, the death penalty, gay
rights or national security. And while she has been more liberal than
not in cases concerning criminal defendants, employment discrimination
and free speech, a look at her most noteworthy opinions reveals no grand
vision, An employment discrimination lawsuit, the Ricci case, in which
Ms. Sotomayor ruled along with a panel of appeals judges, against 18
white firefighters, will likely attract many questions during her
confirmation hearings this summer, Mr. Liptak notes. The case is now
before the Supreme Court and with a ruling expected in the next month or
so, her decision is likely to be overturned by the bench she hopes to
I believe when president Obama has announced his favor of Sonia being
nominated on the supreme court and having other’s question his judgment
and what ever the outcome will affect the Hispanic population in the US.
Very fragile event/issue.

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