Sunday, June 7, 2009

As Elections Loom

In Iran, the presidential elections have reached their final week. President Ahmadinejad has been met with harsh criticisms with the way he has not only attacked some of the other candidates, but also his attacks on people close to them, such as the wife of his biggest rival in the elections, Mr. Mir Hussein Moussavi. President Ahmadinejad has accused Moussavi's wife of not falling proper protocal when entering Grad School, but what this attack really amounted to was him saying woman had no right to try and become intellectuals. Meanwhile, this election is being seen as something new to Iran, because the President has leveled charges against his running mates he has also paved the way for Iranian citizens to question his authority, and as such more and more young men and woman are becoming vocal. Some in the political system of Iran have stated that this Election may make restricted speech more difficult, because if the President isn't being held accountable for the words he speakes, then the citizens do not think it is right for them to be held accountable. This election is going to be very important to watch because not only does it impact Irans future Diplomatic ties with the rest of the world, it also will signal in the attitudes of the Iranian public towards their Supreme Leader.

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