Monday, June 1, 2009

Has the show LOST come to life?

By: Erica McCauley

An Air France passenger jet disappeared in flight over the Atlantic Ocean on Sunday Night. Speculations say that it lost control during an electrical storm. President Nicolas Sarkozy has publicly stated that the search with be hard, but the French Government has commenced a search to find this passenger jet. Flying from Rio de Janeiro to Paris, the flight was holding nearly 228 passengers. About three and half hours into their flight, a radio call was transmitted to the Air-France base in Paris claiming that the airliner had suffered electrical system malfunctions, as well as, cabin pressure loss. The plane was lost in an area that measures three times the size of Europe. The Brazilian Air Force, Navy Force, French Air Force, and a Spanish plane set out in search of the lost plane. Will these people be found and saved? Or are they stuck on a time-traveling island?

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