Sunday, June 7, 2009

Burning Day Care

By: Michelle Cole

In this article from, it talks parents being desperate to save their children from a childcare center that was on fire in a Mexican city. The article says that one door was locked shut, and the windows were too high for the children to be able to climb out of, so many of the children were not able to escape. When parents rushed to the daycare center and saw it on fire, some of them tried to run their car into the building to create an escape route for any survivors. One truck was able to break down one wall, which may have helped to save a few lives by giving the children another way out of the burning building. The article sites smoke inhalation, not burns, as the cause of death for the 41 victims, but many of the survivors were badly burned. Many of the children being rushed to nearby hospitals had burns on 75-80% of their bodies, and many of the children were 4 or under.

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