Wednesday, June 3, 2009

"...There's a phone in the White House and it's ringing."

From Brianna HowellThe Economist recently featured an article referring back to the wonderous days of 2008 democratic primaries-- Hillary Clinton's infamous "3 am" ad that aired February of 2007. The transcendent question from this ad asked viewers if there were to be an unexpected national emergency, who would you want to answer the phone call and take care of the situation? After almost half a year in office, has Obama proved that he is capable of handling this dreaded 3 am phone call?
The general consensus at the end of the article is that no one would be ready to answer that phone call with North Korea's recent escapades. Much debate still surrounds the issue of how to deal with North Korea. Some argue that revoking all aid from NKorea would teach it a lesson, while others argue that this would harm everyone except for the political elites who are causing all the trouble.
The article also says that Obama needs to be able to handle both the "mommy" and "daddy" problems of the international community. Mommy issues being appointing supreme court justices and the like. Daddy issues deal with defending the country... What an interesting way of putting it.

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