Wednesday, September 23, 2009

In rambling U.N. tirade, Gadhafi slams Security Council, U.S.

Matthew Boguslawski

In his very long and hard to follow speech the Libyan leader, Mommar Gadhafi, managed to make several points clear. In the annual address at the United Nations, he showed his frustration and discontent with the United Nations and the members of the Security Council and much was aimed at the United States. Gadhafi, made many claims that the Secirity Council and the United Nations have not followed the preamble which at its founding and creation. One of his main grievances was against power of permanent member. According to the preamble all permanent members are to be eqaul no matter how big or small the nation is. According to him this is false. He even went as far as tearing the UN preamble and charter that he was reading from. He condemned the US for their actions around the world, but especially of the war in Iraq

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