Sunday, September 20, 2009

President Obama will look to reason instead of politics in regards to Afghanistan

On Sunday morning President Obama literally faced the entire nation by appearing on the morning political shows of every major news outlet. He used this mass exposure to spread one simple message, the level of involvement in Afghanistan would not be determined by partisanship and politics. Instead, the President will look directly to General Stanley McChrystal, the leader of United States forces in Afghanistan, to make the defining suggestions of what the President will make policy. Currently, Gen. McChrystal has put a hold on any influx of troops and resources into Afghanistan so that he can finish his evaluations. However, Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, explained last week that he expects the General's final requests to be in very shortly. The President felt it necessary to address this situation as surely and swiftly as possible due to the mutual partisan opposition to the issue. Republicans continue to push for an extreme influx of troops, while Democrats wish to put a hold on all operations. This bickering obviously does not service the greater good and the President desribed the situation perfectly when he said, "are we really doing the right thing?" Well Mr. President, we will see very shortly.

Source: Fox News
By:Travis James

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