Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Security Council doesnt work, Gadhafi tells U.N.

Libyan leader Moammer Gadhafi was one of many individuals who were addressing the U.N. Wednesday. In his 1 hour and 36 minute speech Gadhaf continually bashed the U.N. and U.S. He called for inspections into U.S. military activities and criticized many of the U.S. military actions in other countries. He also explained that the U.N. has not provided the peace and security it promised but "terror and sanctions."

Beside these points Gadhafi and President Obama, who also spoke, agreed on a number of issues, the main issue being world unity in the problems that the world faces at large, such as climate changes and food shortages. Also Iranian President Mohmoud Ahmadinejad announced that he is willing to work with the other nations. He also blames the current economic crisis on capitalism and, like others, criticized American military actions in other countries.

The rest of the article explains that the reduction of nuclear weapons is necassary and the U.N. must make reforms for this to prove its credibility, that has fallen in the eyes of many nations.

By, Kyle Reilly

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