Thursday, October 21, 2010

Britain Plans Deepest Cuts to Spending in 60 Years

Britain's government has outlined a spending plan for the next four years in their Spending Review because the country's finances are in a poor state . It includes extensive spending cuts, reducing government cost by 19%, cutting welfare, and raising the retirement age to 66 by 2020. The total is about £83 billion pounds, however the exact figures will not be available for a few weeks. Benefits for the elderly, including free eye tests, prescription drugs and bus passes, will remain despite the cuts and so will health and education funding. 490,000 public sector jobs will be cut over the four years and will save £6 billion pounds. Police spending will be cut 4% but spending on intelligence and security will be strengthened with the upcoming 2012 Olympics in London. Overall, the cuts will help to trim the country's debt by 2014.

--Emily Goodfellow.

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