Sunday, October 24, 2010

Court Approves Beating of Women and Children

In the United Arab Emirates, a man is permitted to physically discipline his wife and child as long as no physical marks are left. The courts ruled that men have the right to beat their wives and children after a particular case in which a man slapped his wife and also slapped and kicked his daughter (23 yrs of age). However there are limitations - if a man abuses his right to "discipline," he will face consequences. Arguments have been made, however, that this holds no connection to the treatment of women according to the law of Islam, because according to Islamic law it is "absolutely unlawful" to abuse a woman.

This was a very interesting article, clearly exemplifying how various cultures view human rights and dignity, and how laws are based on those beliefs. If a case like this was presented in U.S. Court, there would be a very outcome.

Submitted By: Laura Lubuguin

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