Friday, November 5, 2010

Two mosques bombed

Darra Adam Khel and Peshawar, Pakistan have been the center of two suicide bombings at mosques, with the attacks occurring only hours apart. The mosques that were attacked were frequented by anti-taliban leaders. As of right now, the death toll is estimated to be 50 people, although the current chaos is preventing any official figures. The location of the first bombing, Darra Adam Khel, is known for its illegal weapons bazzar, as well as being in close proximity to Taliban-led tribals hide. Shahid Ullah, a local government official, said "the mosque may have been targeted because local tribesmen running an anti-Taliban militia have often met there." The government of Pakistan has been engaged in rooting out these rebel forces, although the North Waziristan has yet to see Pakistani military action.

-Caleb B. Ray

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