Friday, February 17, 2012

German President Wulff resigns

During a scandal that appeared to take place during his run as state premier the German President finds himself in a bit of a sticky situation. The argument over weather or not the President is to receive immunity for his alleged bribes is leaning toward the idea that he will not get immunity. The story came out last December on a German tabloid. It has since been the case that the former President has plead his case that he has done nothing legally wrong and the truth will show. However the agency investigating the issue says it has evidence in document form that explains he did except bribes. It will be interesting to see if the reason for his sudden departure will be because he was accepting bribes, or just because of the negative publicity he has been recieving. With all this said it really reflects poorly on German chancellor Merkel's backing of the last two presidential figures. Could this influence the way in which Germany is dealing with the Europe bailout on which their stance has been such a tough one?

Dan Vogrin

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