Sunday, February 19, 2012

Presidential Elections Delayed in Egypt

While Egypt awaits the trial of their ex-leader Mubarak, accused of ordering the killing of demonstrators and those that opposed him, Egyptians are eager to see a transition of power back to an elected president. Currently, the Egyptian military has retained power, and the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (Scaf) has said it would step away from power once a president is nominated. However, the public fears that with the delay in elections and frustration with the Scaf that the military will retain considerable influence over the new government. Since Mubarak stepped down a year ago, the transition into a new governmental system has been slow. Some forward movement came from the parliamentary elections already held and the first session was earlier this February. The assembly is majority Islamist parties, such as the Islamic brotherhood.It will be interesting how the United States decides to approach the new parliament and future president of Egypt or if the United States continues to deal more with the Egyptian military.

To read more:

-Kathleen Fultz

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