Tuesday, May 5, 2009

CNN Interviews Taliban Rep. in Afghan

CNN reporter Nic Robertson interviewed Zabuillah Mujahid, a Taliban representatinve and Afghan official. The meeting was in Afghanistan, its where abouts where agreed to be kept confidential out of Mujahid's fear that U.S. forces would try and upduct him if his location was revealed. Robertson descibes his experience and his dangerous setting that was guarded by many armed Taliban members.
The interview was only suppose to last 15 minutes, at Mujihad precautious demands, but it took 45 minutes for an irritated and paranoid Mujahid to quicjly exit the seen. The purpose of the interview made it very clear that the Taliban wants U.S. officials out of their country by negotiation and war if necessary. Mujahid emphasized that if war did occur that the Taliban would be victorious and compared the quarrel between us to our previous quarrel with Vietnam. Mujahid also claimed to be the first representative of Taliban leader Mullah Omar. He also expressed that they are a different Taliban than what Osama Bin Laden represents. The Omar Taliban wants the United States to leave their country so they can form their own Islamic governement. Nothing more of the interview was revealed.

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