Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Former Mexican President Calls for Legalizing Marijuana

By: Mark Adams

Ex-Mexican President Vincente Fox is pushing the United States to legalize marijuana in the united states. He thinks that the crime is just getting too out of hand and it would be better off if the drug was legalized. He mentioned the prohibition era that occured in te united states years ago and how the countries crime rate dropped tremendously after the government finally legalized the distribution of alcohol. Fox was very leniant with his people in Mexico about the use of drugs in his country. He stated that ever since he left the head seat in Mexico and the new officials cracked down on the use of drugs and the transportations of drugs, the crime and death rate have sky rocketed. He believes that this is what is happening in the united states today. He thinks that the death rate and oviously the crime rate will drop a huge amount. A statment at the end by the author made a great point that our country may be filled with less crime but the counrty would be turned into a drug users paridise and we would be effected socially in a very negative way.

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