Friday, October 1, 2010

U.S. Apoligizes for Infecting Guatemalens with STDs

The US is apologizing for a research study from 1946-1948 when Guatemalans were purposely infected with syphilis, gonorrhea, or chancres. The study was called The U.S. Public Health Service Sexually Transmitted Disease Inoculation Study of 1946-1948. The goal of the study was to text the effectiveness of Penicillin against these STDs, because Penicillin was a fairly new drug at the time. The study was conducted on female commercial sex workers, prisoners in the national penitentiary, patients in the national mental hospital, and soldiers and over 1,600 people were infected. This was discovered on Wednesday when a researcher from Wellesly College found the unpublished notes from this research. Obama has called the Guatemalan President asked him to "pardon" them from these actions. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has also called to apologize, both saying that these actions are not what the U.S. believes. President Alvaro Colom says that an international, independent commission will be investigating the situation, and this will determine whether an legal action will be taken.

Kathleen Tite

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