Sunday, January 30, 2011

Iran hangs Dutch-Iranian woman for drug smuggling

The Netherlands have renounced ties with Iran after they hung a Dutch-Iranian woman on Saturday. The Dutch believe this crime to be cruel and unusual punishment and have plans in the works to take measures against Iran.

Although Iran claims that Zahra Bahrami was executed because her smuggling of cocaine added to the list of her offenses, the Dutch think otherwise. Iran claims that Bahrami was charged with security offenses in the 2009 presidential campaign in the same country. Bahrami's lawyer was shocked to learn that she had been hung. The lawyer had no clue that she was going to be executed.

The accusations placed on Bahrami stated that she had been caught smuggling cocaine into the country more than once, and in a raid of her house, cocaine and opium were found. The sentence she was formally given included 70 lashes and a $1,400 fine.

The Dutch were denied access to her trial because she was not recognized as a dual citizen in both Iran and the Netherlands. The Dutch are seeking answers to her execution and believe that for the safety of all citizens, Dutch-Iranian citizens travelling to Iran should not go.

By: Brianne Thomas

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