Saturday, May 2, 2009

Iran execution provokes outrage

By: Danny Dierdorff
In a story from the BBC an Iranian women was executed for a murder that occurred when she was 17 years old. Delara Darabi was granted a two month stay of execution by the Iranian Judiciary Council but the prison took no regard for this decision. Both in Iran and around the world are outraged over her execution because as she maintained she took the blame to save her boyfriend. Ms. Darabi pleaded with her lawyer and her mother to save her from execution and the prison gave no notice other than her death. Amnesty International says that her trial was unfair and the courts refused to look at new evidence that would have proved her innocence. This is a big deal after we just learned about Iran because it shows the power of the the government over their citizens. Court records show since 1990 42 juvenile offenders have been executed. This is against international law but Iran still continues it.

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