Friday, May 8, 2009

Land Pirates: Somalian Pirates' New Medium

By: Erica McCauley

Abir Boyah, and captain pirate has publicly stated that he is part of a pirate council called, "The Corporation." Boyah has set stakes that are to be met, if he is going to stop being a pirate. Since these pirate brigades have started, Northern Somalians are beginning to diapprove the pirates' prescence. With militias forming, the sheiks and the government after them, and threats from commoners, the pirates are getting a run for their money. Many people think that Somalians are a black spot on the Muslim culture. They have brought drugs, alcohol, and AIDS to the Somalian villages and cities. The pirates have bargained that if the sheiks find the young jobs, and help the exsisting pirates form a coast guard, then the pirating with stop. This article admits Somalia's little secret, "Puntland officials acknowledge, grudgingly, that the pirates have helped them in a way: bringing desperately needed attention and aid." Because the world's attention is on Somalia, and since the American captain was held hostage, donors have donated over $200million to Somalian antipirate aid. Pirates claim that there are still plenty of ocean for ships to be hijacked, aside from the fact that it has become far riskier to be a pirate.

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