Friday, May 1, 2009

Netherlands; Trading Culture for Security

Sherri Siegele

Since 1815 when the monarchy of the Netherlands was established, the country has prided itself on a cultural tradition of openness, trust and a sense of security. One of the political ways in which this is expressed is at the annual queens day festival. The royal family parades in the open representing interaction between royalty and the people. Another form of expression is how ministers ride their cycles to work. But, this year’s queen’s parade will most likely change the format of future activities. On Thursday, an assassin drove his car into a monument barely missing the open air bus that carried the queen and her family. Seven by bystanders were killed.

The queen will be forced to take more secure measures in future public displays. And because openness is the foundation of this culture, she will try to find another way to express her connection with her people. But, this will be a tough thing to do. Nothing can replace the feeling people get just from knowing they have the opportunity to either meet or be in close physical proximity to their leader.

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