Sunday, April 19, 2009

Boycotts hit U.N. racism conference

By: Liz Hasseld
More countries decided to join the US in a boycott of a U.N. conference for fear of attacking Israel. 

At an anti-racism conference, a document has been said to single out Israel for racism. Canada, Israel, Italy, Sweden, along with the US have announced they are boycotting the conference. Many countries have agreed that Israel is being unfairly targeted.

With many redrafts of this document the United States is still not satisfied. This document is said to violate free speech, an obvious American value.

Congress was not exactly happy with President Obama's  decision.

"Had the United States sent a high-level delegation reflecting the richness and diversity of our country, it would have sent a powerful message to the world that we're ready to lead by example. Instead, the administration opted to boycott the conference, a decision that does not advance the cause of combating racism and intolerance, but rather sets the cause back." -a statement from the congressional black caucus said.

I feel there must have been pressure since, in 2001, the United states also walked out of the conference with Israel. Maybe when Obama becomes more comfortable with the office he will deal with U.N. issues differently. 

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