Saturday, April 25, 2009

Mexico May Isolate Those Infected With Swine Disease

By: Erica McCauley

President of Mexico, Felipe Caldéron, said Saturday that he and his government are able to potentially isolate those who are infected with the H1N1 swine flu. The government also has the ability to close public events, and search homes of those infected to prevent more spread of the dangerous flu. Around the capital of Mexico, 68 people have already died, and plenty more are infected. Caldéron and his government have the authority to invoke new rules and laws if this flu continues. The virus has been detected in pigs, and somehow was transmitted to humans. It is a mix of flu strands from the North American and Eurasian swine flus, North American bird flu and North American human flu. Eight cases have been found in Southwestern America.

Because of this wretched flu, Mexico has advised citizens from avoiding any sort of public events, shaking hand with each other, and over seven million kids have been held from classes. This disease has been found to target kids from the age of three to healthy adults no older than sixty. The WHO is even considering raising the global pandemic to 4, which constitutes that the disease spreads from human to human.

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